whats up have been busy the whole month...
busy with exams, competition and training for kl...
well... exams are always shitty la...
study like mad and then the questions doenst even come out..
been studying a lot nowadays... coollll....
never done that before.. i think the PMR kiasuness is starting to kick in..
WHICH IS GOOD... it make me study..
besides, i don't want to be the one that gets left out when results come out..
i wanna be smiling with my friends... with all 7 'A' on my paper.. so i should work hard for it..
THIS YEAR FOR 2010I DO NOT WANT TO BE LEFT OUT WHEN IT COMES TO BASKETBALL SELECTION AND PMR RESULTS ALSO!!!!i wanna be the one that gets into the state team and also get straight A'scompetition right now would be RUBY cup for u16
played like 4 games.... lost 2 won 2..
lost to yi ming in like the MABA stadium, the marks were so close all the time..
but i guess they were just too good..
would be playing against them in the semi..
cause for girls group its like round robbin
and the 1st in grouping would play the 4th,
the 3rd would play the 2nd..
so i hope we can beat them this time!! =D
yesterday played against chong hwa A...
and before that i had state training..
so,chiau teng thought me the proper way to lay up
cause everytime she ask me whether i know how to do it... i say i don't know..
normal lay up i can do.. the charging ones i can't do..
well after she taught me during the training,
i decided that i should be using it on court during the game as a practice..
so i did!! and it worked.. then all my friends were like..
wahh, u know how to lay up edi after chiau teng taught u..
i was kinda happy that time
haha.. so i have to say THANK YOU to her and yu ping also for deffending me that time..
cause if she had not taught me the proper way..
i would be a gonner in the game and in KL state team
i have to gather my confidence now to dribble and lay up when against seniors..
if i can do it in the u16 game, WHY CAN'T I DO IT FOR U18??
its just 3 years diff wad, all girls also.. its not like i'm playing against guys in the com..
owh, and i have like major important selection/trainings for KL u18 and u16..
i was so shocked that i got selected for it ( u18)..
thank god my friend told me that she saw my name in the list..
well, trainings are not soo good..
i dont know why when i train with the seniors i get scared..
its like i dont dare to dribble and shoot and lay up..
every time my seniors would be like 'yuki, calm down'
sigh, i gotta get rid of my stupid fear on court...
i hope to get in this years KL state team
i'll be really happy if i get it...
( i'm sick of losing to ____)i learn a lot of stuff when it comes to training..
and for some reason, this year i am serious bout basketball
maybe its because i'm not getting any younger
so i must take the opportunity to play and train all i can..
gtg.. going to watch iron man... byeeeeeeeeeeeee