Sunday, August 31, 2008
SO IRITATED.....that u dont need to read this post....
first u said I cannot play basketball ok... I stop playing my games at night....
say I cant go for I go once a week .....sometimes can't even go....thank GOD the other person that I'm so thankful of...
then ..u say I cannot use computer until late at night...ok never mind...i go to sleep early....
besides not allow to download cannot use till late at night...
this is so irritating...WHY? cause now I have to redo my KKS project because its all crumpled....think very easy to do is it??...all the ink I use is for free ...never I can buy new coloured pens.....if my sisters don't read my blog ….I could post all I want....but unfortunately I cant.....
last time I created a list of what I want for 2008.....
today's date is 1/9/08....
and out of all the thing I wanted I only have 2 ....
two only...that is going to SBU again and getting my sisters hand phone when she leaves for my list I didn't even ask for a laptop or PSP....its all the basic thing I NEED.....I only have freakin 2.....I kinda sounding bratty right now....but how not to be with u treating me like this.....u keep saying I am irritable but actually your the one who is irritating....haizzzz....I cannot say anymore cause if I do....I will start cursing and it will lead to something really bad....haha
- i love malaysia....
- luv me familia
- luv my friends...
- luv all the animals...haha
- luv all the people except perverts, con and a lot la
- luv u hu is reading this... :p
- and luv a lot more la....
Friday, August 29, 2008
got a lot to post...haha
but then all ended well with me sleeping at 10.30 cause very tired
helpping ppl send some pictures and receiving some for myself...
to my sisters who surely read this...your not alowed to ask question for this post only ...u ask i wont answer....
thxs to cat ,yin tung , xiau wei, xin yi,xin wei, elaine ,wei gin for making this day fun....
ps: thxs to cat, xiau wei, yin tung ,xin wei , yih jiun, xiau han for solving my tiny prob...hehe
as you can see she is in her st.john uniform, while u go down can see her in pinafore and baju kurung....hahaha
from left- cat, yin tung , xin yi, xiau wei and xin wei
catherine looks so slumber and xin yi looks like she is going to do the robot dance....hahaha
you see the hand behind near her head... u all know the results already....
very funny...i have a video of it...muahahah
Ms. Kok Yen Li and Ms.Yin Tung just married...haha....jkjk only....
under a roof still need to use umbrella
dont ask where i got the starbucks from.... (smiles to my sisters)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
we have more more pictures...!!!!!
I wanted spontaneous and nice modal pose.... DILL gave me nice pose...on the other hand
SALLY thought she was sun bathing....but in the end it turned out to be nice laaaa...
she always wants to take another picture....haha...
me and dill the same pose...sally just tilted her head...but what the heck...a picture is still a picture
This picture is funny.... i went JOSHUA and snap* snap*
he went blur after taking the pic cause i put flash....hahaha
i am signing out...byes
Sunday, August 24, 2008
YAY for me!!!
sadly no fireworks.....
tomorrow school starts cant wait to see my friends and laugh in the class for the whole day....
Monday, August 18, 2008
got the pics...
i got the pics..and my mum is back from london...YAHOOOOO!!!....
thx mvonne for letting me borrow her camera.....but got more pic ...she didnt upload yet....
shuffel behind my back... can u know....hahaha
( dont underestimate malays playing chor dai ti)
mvonne and me in PARAM'S class....manage to take a picture...mision impossible completed....hahaha...we took one pic of him....but mvonne never upload yet...
thats all for today...let me go enjoy my holiday la...
(^(oo)^) signing put...byes
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Cause I'm allowed to!
Now let me tell you something, getting this girl to study aint a piece of cake! It's even harder now that the Olympics are taking place. So last night, we had a conversation that went something like this...
Caring sister : So, have you finished studying geography?
lil sister : Yes CS : Are you sure?! (my standard answer)
lil sister : Yessssss! (she tried to put on her believe-me-its- true face)
CS : Liar! I dont think so... *after a few seconds* Fine, lets make a deal. If you manage
to get A's for your Geography, History, Bahasa and Moral, i'll give you rm2
for each paper... But if you fail to do so, you'll have to pay me! lil sister : Wookay! And Math too...
CS : Alright, and Math too...
Anyway, moving on shall are some pictures for you to indulge... Bon appetit!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
what happens in the past ,stays there
so i'm gonna blog about tuesday cause alot of stuff happen on that day...
woke up at 5.50...brush teeth bla bla bla bla....then wanted to learn how to solve a rubix cube...
max said he will teach me but was too busy to learn from him....thought xiau wei will recover from her gold fish eye....hehe ...but she didnt come to school....sumtimes i have no idea she ponteng or sick?? but nvm....
so mvonne aka miao tought me how to do 1 side....and that is a BIG thing for first she did then let me do the last part so make me feel happy...then i started to get the hang of it...and could do it myself...dun be jealous that GOD made me a fast learner.....hahaha...juz kiddin...
then went to eat at the canteen...brought the rubix along...and once you do it...u can never let go of some of the primary students were there...they said hi and i said hi...some prefects complaining to me bout the new head...and they act like i'm their complain box..hahha...but nvm...its good to know some stuff and my juniors better....haha...
then guess what?? i pass by the head prefect...if YOU know hu that person it then ok ...but if u dunno then can ask he said....hi then i said hi la...but without looking at him...BUSY DOING RUBIXS HERE LA...cant he see he went all angry at me not saying hi la...bla bla and started calling me names....such as nose picker, loser ,double loser ...didnt really pay attention to him...i just continue walking while he calls names... with his childish words....haiz...i wanted to turn to him and say
hey, i got a little advice for you , GROW UP... u think calling names will make me cry or something??....nothing better to do is it?? ( besides it is secondary recess time...whats he doing here..all the other primary student didnt have problems except for him)
but i didnt .....didnt want to humiliate him....and it will make me look childish also fighting with a primary student....i just act like he wasnt there....i think some standard 5 are more mature than him...
friend: hey Yuki...whats up with that boy??
me : I dunno you ask him la....
friend : you know him?
me : nope...dunno whats wrong with him...
went to buy food then ate and went back to class...
finished class at 1.50pm and went home to do some studying...
some people just cannot forget about the past and just move on...haizzz..,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Name: Yuki
Sisters: 6
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: 7
Height : 161 cm...somwhere there la
Where do you live: Taman Desa Seputih...
Favourite drinks: water,milo and teh 'o' ais...
Favourite breakfast: nothing in particular...
Have you ever been on a plane?: Yup
Swam in the ocean : once or maybe more...cannot remember....hehe
Fallen asleep at school : not YET....
Broken someone’s heart: maybe yes maybe no....
Fell off your chair : 100% got....felt like EVIL KENIVEL...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: ermmm....ya...
Saved e-mails: yes
What is your room like : messy, normal size... full with medical books...(my sisters book)
What’s right beside you: bed...
What is the last thing you ate: cheese naan with tandoori
Ever had chicken pox: No...dun know what is it like skipping school for 2 weeks....sob
Sore throat: ya...scream and laugh too much in school
Stitches: i dun think so
Broken nose: of course not...
Do you believe in love at first sight: not really
Like picnics: yea...but not in M'asia.... no fresh air to breath in and out
Who was the last person you danced with: my her do her mass dance..
Last made you smile: sisters and all my friends
You last yelled at: called nobody but last sms Mvonne
Today did you:-
Talk to someone you like: Yup
Kissed anyone: NO
Get sick: nope
Talk to an ex: kinda...
Miss someone: mum...she in LONDON... and coming back soon....YAHOOOOOOO!!!
Eat: ya...or not how to survive?
Best feeling in the world: neh....not yet
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No
What’s under your bed: floor la
Who do you really hate: i dunno...
What time is it now?: 10.48 pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now : Ya ..everyday in my mind...
Do you have any siblings: YES
Do you want children: YUP
Do you smile often: depends la...i cant smile when i'm angry or sad
Do you like your hand-writing: okok friends one nicer
Are your toe nails painted: nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my parent's KING size bed
What colour shirt are you wearing now: green
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: doing homework...and waiting for dinner to be served
I can’t wait till: I graduate, drive and have children
When did you cry last : a month ago when i sprain my ankle badly
Are you a friendly person: yes....u can ask the whole school...haha
Do you have any pets: house is like a MINI ZOO...
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: at home studying
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: no...just good frens
Do you sleep with the TV on?: ya...when i am listening to music
What are you doing right now?: this super super duper long tag
Have you ever crawled through a window?: ya....playing how to get in the classroom...
Can you handle the truth?: sumtimes can and sumtimes cannot
Are you too forgiving?: it depends la...
Are you closer to your mother or father?: Mummyyyy
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: friends and coach
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: too little...haha
Do you eat healthy?: nope....cause i am a MALAYSIAN....impossible to eat healthy
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: got i think...
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: nope...
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Dilhany or Sally
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: I'm the cause of noice pollutin.... :D
Are you confident?: in myself....yup...i think...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
(a) falling down the stairs
(b) playing with my mum
(c) eating poridge
(d) crying
(e) sleeping
5 things on my to-do list today:
(a) study
(b) sleep
(c) play basketball
(e) use the computer
5 snacks I enjoy:
(a) 31 B n R
(b) Apple
(c) Nacho and cheese
(d) coke
(e) bread
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
(a) get my own house
(b) built an indoor basketball court
(c) keep the money
(d) go shopping
(e) hmmm....own a private plane
5 of my bad habits:
(a) cannot sit still
(b) forget to feed fish
(c) study half way
(d) do things last minute
(e) go too long on9
ppl i tag....MVONNE, YI JIUN ,kyan and pple who have not done this b4