wow..i have not post in ages...cant find the time to post..hehe...sorry?
ok..lets see. where should i start.??....
oh..start on monday...(short version of everything)
went to school feeling happy because beat sri garden 73-2 in basketball on sunday....then felt sad when i got a dozen of homework and played badminton with hand fell off after playing with him...coulnd do my homework....was happy and worried at the same time...hehe...wnet to sleep ...
hand felt slightly least i could move my fingers....silent the SVH book again...because its very nice and romantic...hahaha...cant believe i said that...but its day i LAUGH like a crazy women...with vero,mvonne ,kas, yij jiun and everybody else....dunno y?..lame jokes gets us laughing like hell...
went back ...felt very sad.... cause use to have 7 people in the dad's back from london...but my mum is not..became even sad....then wanted to talk to her...cause i have not heard her voice in a long long time.....then was hoping she called...then suddenly the phone rings....i pick up and it was her... i cried for no reason la ...but i dunno how to really write it down...haha
today got 'unit beruniform' i have no idea what its called in english..hehe...happy didnt have to wear baju came out at 1.10....ate lunch with dill, sally, ihmran, trishala, idhzan,valerie, janice and....i think thats about it...haha...talking about leftys and right handed people..very funny...went to the music room....and played the drum...i would like to introduce arope to everybody...he is hilarious.....hahahaha...teached amirah to play the drum (Beat It ) by fall out boy...then hakim took over...he 1 heck of a guitarist and a drummer... listen to them play... then went home....
today i have seni!!!! i have no ide y i enjoy art all of a sudden...hehe...
had to go back at 4.. sis had this ko-op thing...went to have lunch at the canteen with cecelia and suk vei... ant catherine kok yen li came...haha....went to disturb her...she look garang but she is a nice person....she and cecelia kept and speaking cantonese and manderine.....i told them a touhsad times i dun understand but they dont care...but at least i understand 15%..haha
then ihmran came...wanted to play chor tai ti...but couldn't cause responsible catherine didnt let us...sheng cheong was there..soo we ended up comparing our photos when we were young..... ihmran won...card looks like he got ounched in the face hard...hahaha.... all of us looks so different...changed a lot these past years ...haha....
i blog until here la...lazy la....fingers tired....hahaha